Can I download the recipe pack instantly? As soon as you complete online payment, a confirmation email is sent containing a link to download the product. The link to the digital eBook (PDF) is valid for 30 days.
Do I need to pay any other fees or subscriptions?
Not at all. The price is as shown and does not include any hidden fees or subscription charges. This is a one-time payment only and gives you full access to the complete recipe collection.
What formats do the recipe packs come in?
After you purchase the Recipe eBook you will be able to download it in a PDF file.
I'm lactose intolerant. Can I follow these meal plans?
Every recipe has a detailed nutritional info panel with macronutrient breakdowns and a key indicating if they contain dairy, or nuts. You can always mix and match meals, and swap ingredients as much as you like. Always check the recipes' ingredients to be absolutely sure.
Do you offer a refund?
Due to the fully downloadable nature of all of the products that you receive instantly with your purchase, I'm unable to offer refunds. With that said, if you ever encounter any issues with the products feel free to send me an email or get in touch via chat through the website, I'll be happy to give you support and guidance.